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Dr. Nikos Georgiou

Dr. Nikos Georgiou is a marine geologist-oceanographer. His PhD dealt with paleo sea-level reconstruction in the Mediterranean during the Quaternary, through using marine geophysical data and numerical modeling. He also holds a MSc in Environmental Oceanography and a B.Sc. in Geology from the University of Patras, Greece. 

During his Ph.D. course, Nikos served as a teaching assistant in the Department of Geology. He has taken part in several National and European projects as a research assistant with Oceanus-Lab since 2015. In these projects, he has been surveying offshore, interpreting marine geophysical data and writing articles about various scientific fields such as anoxic embayments, marine bio-habitats, submerged antiquities, and paleo sea-level reconstruction. He has taken part in over 20 offshore field surveys, completing about 400 days of field experience.

Nikos earned 2 national scholarships and joined the Royal Netherlands Institute for Sea Research (NIOZ) through Erasmus placement mobility program in 2019. He is currently a

In his “time off” he gets involved in science communication projects through creating educational videos and 3D animations, in order to raise awareness in science related topics.

Dr. Nikos Georgiou
Postdoctoral Research Fellow
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