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Dr. George Papatheodorou Highlights the Importance of Posidonia oceanica at the 2nd Posidonia Festival Rafina

Dr. George Papatheodorou, head of Oceanus-Lab and scientific lead of the Vodafone Posidonia program, an initiative by the Vodafone Foundation, recently attended the 2nd Posidonia Festival Rafina. This event is a celebration dedicated to raising awareness about the critical importance of the Mediterranean's valuable underwater "lung", Posidonia oceanica.

During his speech, Dr. Papatheodorou elaborated on the unique and technologically advanced research project undertaken by the Oceanus-Lab team. This extensive project involvs the detailed mapping of Posidonia oceanica meadows  along the Greek coasts. Performed recently, the survey involving strategic locations in the Aegean Sea, stands out not only for its scope but also for its pioneering use of advanced mapping technologies.

Dr. Papatheodorou emphasized the need for increased awareness and sensitivity towards Posidonia oceanica. He highlighted its vital role in maintaining the health of marine ecosystems and underscored the environmental benefits it offers. Through initiatives like the Vodafone Posidonia program, efforts are being made to protect and preserve these underwater meadows, which are essential for biodiversity, carbon sequestration, and coastal protection.

The 2nd Posidonia Festival Rafina served as an excellent platform for disseminating this crucial information and engaging the public in the mission to protect our marine environments.