Exploration and exploitation of hydrocarbons, in the offshore area Block 10
2022 to 2023
2022 to 2023

Detailed examination of the possibility of gas seepage in 5 sub-areas in the region of Kyparissiakos Gulf, through defining the bathymetry and seismic stratigraphy of the areas for the detection of indications of gas escapes in the water column and the seabed, as well as the detection of active faults/pathways for gas upward migration, through water sample collection, conduction of measurements for methane concentration and in-situ water column measurements for methane content. The project was carried out on behalf of HELPE IONION EXPLORATION AND PRODUCTION OF HYDROCARBONS SINGLE MEMBER S.A. in collaboration with the Hellenic Centre of Marine Research (H.C.M.R) and I.T. Consulting Srl.
Images by Oceanus-Lab.