Methoni Bay Cultural Heritage Project
2015 - present
2015 - present

"METHONI BAY CULTURAL HERITAGE" is a joint project of Oceanus-Lab with the Center for Cyber-Archaeology and Sustainability (Qualcomm Institute) of the Department of Anthropology, University of California and Scripps Center for Marine Archaeology of the Scripps Institution of Oceanography, University of California.
The project builds on earlier paleogeography and submerged heritage research by conducting: 1) non-invasive high definition shallow marine geophysics including Multibeam Echosounder, Side Scan Sonar, and Chirp sub-bottom profiler 2) photogrammetry of several previously investigated shipwrecks and a unique submerged Middle Bronze Age/Middle Helladic (MH) settlement (2050/2000 – 1750/1680 BCE) using a three camera custom rig mounted on a scuba scooter for large area coverage; 3) shallow submerged sediment sampling using scuba and diver operated coring device to study the deep-time environmental history of the Methoni embayment and preliminary terrestrial coring using a Cobra percussion core drilling system; and 4) a cyber-archaeology workflow using photogrammetry and 3D laser desktop scanning tools to collaborate with a local museum to curate and disseminate research for the public.
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